lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

reading and compress pag 23 ej 3and 5

3Read again the answers 

1-whats its the apl 500?  its an mp3 player 
2-where is it from ? is from China 
3-what colour is it ?  it ' s pink ,green and black
4-is it cheap or expensive ? it's cheap 
5-is it old or modern ? it's modern 

5 a
complete the chart with information about a technological product 
 mobile phone 


price              u$s35.00
                         x cheap 

quality               x good 

size                     big 

b-write a description of the product .use and or but to join ideas .
mobile phone descpription 
it 's small and cheap .their funtions are text mesaging ,adress book and calculator .
it's thirty -five dollars .it's old .

c- hand in your work 
to your teacher for correction 

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